Optical Measurement of Z93 Thermal Coating on the International Space Station

Space-based construction materials must meet a range of requirements: mechanical robustness, lightweight characteristics, and tolerance to heat. There are three optical requirements for heat management to protect sensitive instrumentation and personnel: high solar reflectance, high thermal emissivity, and a sufficiently diffuse surface. These properties ensure that the spacecraft will remain cool, and the thermal control […]

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Detection and Identification of Plastics using SWIR Hyperspectral Imaging

Most plastics are typically transparent in the visible spectral range, rendering them challenging to detect using silicon-based vision sensors. In this work a SWIR hyperspectral imaging system is used to collect the SWIR hyperspectral signatures as well as spatial information of a variety of plastics outdoors to test this technology for plastic debris detection and […]

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SPIE DCS Digital Forum

Surface Optics at Virtual SPIE DCS 2020

SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing, organized by the international society for optics and photonics, is underway this week in a new virtual format accessible until May 8, 2020. Registration is free and gains access to more than 600 presentations, 450 papers, and plenary speakers. Presentations by Surface Optics customers at SPIE DCS 2020 include: Conference […]

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A John White Alexander painting A comparison of imaging technologies for resolving a painting under another painting

Reflectance imaging spectroscopy (RIS) in the visible and near infrared is revolutionizing the way cultural heritage investigators may analyze paintings nondestructively. In an ongoing, highly collaborative project, the authors are investigating a painting by American artist John White Alexander (1856–1915). The painting, titled A Study in Pink, is in the collection of the Virginia Museum […]

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The Prediction and Measurement of the Optical Properties of Complex Surfaces

Determining the optical properties of complex surfaces for signature analysis can be problematic. Materials with surface structures, e.g, crinkled or patterned foil appliques, or striated or ribbed surfaces will produce a non-isotropic BRDF, which can be difficult to measure and represent in signature models. This paper will describe an analytical approach to predicting the optical […]

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Surface Optics Corporation Presents at the 13th International IR Target and Background Modeling & Simulation Workshop

Dr. James Jafolla, President of Surface Optics Corporation, presented today at the 13th International IR Target and Background Modeling & Simulation Workshop (ITBMS) convened in Banyuls-sur-mer, France. The ITBMS workshop is a forum for the IR modeling and simulation community to discuss current developments in their field of expertise. Dr. Jafolla’s presentation was titled, “The Prediction and Measurement of the Optical Properties of Complex Surfaces.”

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Advanced Imaging System with Multiple Optical Sensing Modes

The Spectral-Polarimetric Hypersensor (SPH) is a new compact, solid state, video rate imaging system with no moving parts capable of capturing up to 16 bands of both spectral and polarimetric content simultaneously. For these imagers, which are an adaptation of a plenoptic system, all elements for a given super pixel sample the same point in […]

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The Thermal Control Coatings Protecting InSight’s Marsquake Detector

[vc_row type=”full_width_content”][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”14559″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][vc_custom_heading text=”An artist’s concept shows the InSight lander, its sensors, cameras and instruments. Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech ” font_container=”tag:div|font_size:15px|text_align:center” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Robotic Geologist Headed to Mars” use_theme_fonts=”yes” css=”.vc_custom_1526428295806{margin-bottom: 2% !important;}”][vc_column_text]NASA successfully launched the InSight lander this month, sending InSight on a half-year journey to reach Mars. It is the first mission to the […]

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