Archive for the ‘App Note / Case Study’ Category

Thermo-Optical Challenges of Lunar and Martian Dust for Spacecraft Materials

Space exploration comes with boundless fears and unknowns – malfunctions that could take lives or leave astronauts stranded in space. Who would guess that something as familiar as dust would cause dangerous risks such as overheating spacecraft? Well, that’s exactly what has happened. During several Apollo missions, deposits of lunar dust accumulated on the battery […]

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Revolutionizing Optical Responses: Reflectance Measurements for Metasurface Wafer Technology

As we push the envelope to devise creative solutions to global problems, researchers have concentrated their efforts on the emerging field of metasurfaces. A metasurface is an engineered two-dimensional material designed to manipulate electromagnetic waves, such as light, in ways that are not possible with natural materials. These surfaces consist of arrays of subwavelength structures, […]

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Hyperspectral Imaging in Art Conservation

The need to conserve art has a long history, back to the time when people first realized that the art objects they treasured had begun to deteriorate. In the nineteenth century science and art first began to meet, with scientists of that time looking for methods to preserve valuable works of art. Of course today […]

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Surface Optics Partners with 4Walls International to Provide SWIR Hyperspectral Data for the Border Impact Bond

The non-profit organization 4Walls International in conjuncture with southern California researchers, is working with local municipalities in leading the way on attempts to clean up the US-Mexico bordered Tijuana River Estuary in a project known as the Border Impact Bond. The problem as stated by 4Walls International: Single-use plastics, foam, tires and sediment flow across the […]

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Small purple cuttlefish

Marine Biological Institute Captures High-Speed Octopus, Cuttlefish Camouflage with 16-Band Multispectral Video Camera

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row bottom_padding=”0″][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Case Study” font_container=”tag:h2|font_size:40|text_align:left” google_fonts=”font_family:Raleway%3A100%2C200%2C300%2Cregular%2C500%2C600%2C700%2C800%2C900|font_style:300%20light%20regular%3A300%3Anormal” css=”.vc_custom_1523850866495{margin-bottom: 3% !important;}”][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/6″][vc_single_image image=”13910″ css=”.vc_custom_1523850934288{margin-top: 0px !important;padding-top: 0px !important;}”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”2/3″][vc_custom_heading text=”Marine Biological Institute” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes” css=”.vc_custom_1523850946382{margin-top: 0px !important;margin-bottom: 2% !important;padding-top: 0px !important;}”][vc_custom_heading text=”Roger Hanlon” use_theme_fonts=”yes” css=”.vc_custom_1523563734588{margin-bottom: 2% !important;}”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/6″][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Introduction” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left” google_fonts=”font_family:Raleway%3A100%2C200%2C300%2Cregular%2C500%2C600%2C700%2C800%2C900|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal” css=”.vc_custom_1523560298527{margin-bottom: 2% !important;}”][vc_column_text]Roger Hanlon is a Senior Scientist at the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL), an […]

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Assessing Protective Properties of Cosmetics with Directional Reflectance Measurements

[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]The damage caused by Ultraviolet (UV) radiation on human skin is well documented in medical research and cosmetic companies have developed products to protect the skin. The effects of Infrared radiation (IR) on skin is less clear but may include accelerated aging and increased severity of rosacea in people diagnosed with rosacea. The SOC […]

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Spectral Imaging for Industrial Flare Monitoring

Direct measurement of flare combustion efficiency has been a long-standing technological challenge. Our multispectral infrared imager delivers real-time continuous flare monitoring and optimization potential. Real-time flare monitoring means real environmental impact Industrial flares are widely used as safety devices in petroleum refineries, chemical plants and oil and gas fields. Waste process gases are vented to […]

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