Technical articles appearing in industry publications authored by Surface Optics or featuring contributions from Surface Optics Corporation’s technical team.
“Borrowing least squares analysis from spectral unmixing to classify plastics in SWIR hyperspectral images,” 2020. Mehrubeoglu, M., Van Sickle, A., & McLauchlan, L. Proceedings of SPIE, 11576, 115760B. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2584007
“Optical Measurement of the Reflectance Behavior of Z93, the Thermal Coating on the International Space Station,” 2020. Bradley, M. S., Szwejkowski, C., & Szczesniak, M. Spectroscopy, 35(S3), 6–11.
“Detection and Identification of Plastics using SWIR Hyperspectral Imaging,” 2020. Mehrubeoglu, M., Van Sickle, A., & McLauchlan, L. Proceedings of SPIE, 11504, 115040G. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2570040
“A John White Alexander painting: A comparison of imaging technologies for resolving a painting under another painting,” 2019. Carol W. Sawyer, Bruce H. Suffield, Adam C. Finnefrock, Harris M. Billings, Erich S. Uffelman, Joseph R. Zoeller, Mark S. Dombrowski, John K. Delaney, Kathryn A. Dooley, Jennifer L. Mass, Jelena Samonina & Madison M. Whitesell. Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, DOI: 10.1080/01971360.2018.1556542
“The Prediction and Measurement of the Optical Properties of Complex Surfaces,” 2018. James C. Jafolla, Paper Presented at ITBMS – International IR Target and Background Modeling & Simulation Workshop, Banyuls-sur-mer, France
“Advanced Imaging System with Multiple Optical Sensing Modes,” 2018. McCormick, K., Nascimento, J. M., & Hendricks, L. Proceedings of SPIE, 10644, 106441S. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2303843
“Validation of a new method for measuring and continuously monitoring the efficiency of industrial flares,” 2016. Zeng, Y., Morris, J., & Dombrowski, M. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 66(1), 9–18. https://doi.org/10.1080/10962247.2015.1114045
“VNIR hypersensor camera system,” 2009. Cavanaugh, D. B., Lorenz, J. M., Unwin, N., Dombrowski, M., & Willson, P. Proceedings of SPIE, 7457, 74570B. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.833539
“Measurement and analysis of optical surface properties for input to ShipIR,” 2009. Vaitekunas, D. A., Jafolla, J., McKenna, P., & Szczesniak, M. Proceedings of SPIE, 7300, 73000M. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.820055
“Performance and application of a very high-speed 2–12 μm ultraspectral FTIR imager,” 2006. Dombrowski, M., Szczesniak, M., Lorenz, J., Beecroft, M., Ferguson, J., & Catanzaro, B. Proceedings of SPIE, 6233, 62330P. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.666063
“Compact CMOS multispectral/polarimetric camera,” 2006. Catanzaro, B., Lorenz, J., & Dombrowski, M. Proceedings of SPIE, 6233, 62330O. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.666062
“Object discrimination and optical performance of a real-time 2–5 μm hyperspectral imager,” 2006. Dombrowski, M., Dombrowski, R., Catanzaro, B., & Lorenz, J. Proceedings of SPIE, 6233, 62330N. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.666061
“Design of dual-band SWIR/MWIR and MWIR/LWIR imagers,” 2004. Dombrowski, M., & Catanzaro, B. Proceedings of SPIE, 5563, 55630B. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.566981
“Bidirectional reflectance measurements for high-resolution signature modeling,” 2004. Vaitekunas, D. A., & Jafolla, J. Proceedings of SPIE, 5431, 54310M. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.541073
“Progress towards a refractive real-time MWIR hyperspectral imager,” 2004. Dombrowski, M., Catanzaro, B., & Lorenz, J. Proceedings of SPIE, 5563, 55630C. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.566982
“Manufacturing and performance evaluation of a refractive real-time MWIR hyperspectral imager,” 2003. Dombrowski, M., Catanzaro, B., & Lorenz, J. Proceedings of SPIE, 5078, 50780B. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.515147
“Hyperspectral sensor test bed for real-time algorithm evaluation,” 2002. Dombrowski, M., Catanzaro, B., & Lorenz, J. Proceedings of SPIE, 4725, 47250C. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.482569
“Theory and measurement of bidirectional reflectance for signature analysis,” 1999. Jafolla, J., & Vaitekunas, D. A. Proceedings of SPIE, 3699, 36990B. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.349758
“Handheld directional reflectometer: an angular imaging device to measure BRDF and HDR in real time,” 1998. Jafolla, J., & Vaitekunas, D. A. Proceedings of SPIE, 3438, 34380D. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.324109