Automated BRDF/BTDF measurements of surfaces, paints, coatings, liquids, and particles

The SOC-210 BDR measures the BRDF/BTDF of samples from 0.35 to 14μm using an assortment of interchangeable sources, spectral bandpass filters, and detectors. Complete hemispherical coverage is obtained by varying both incident polar and azimuth angles and reflected polar and azimuth angles. The SOC-210 BDR is designed to measure the BRDF/BTDF of samples in an automated environment, allowing the instrument to collect BSDF data unattended, continuously over multiple days.

Broad Spectral Range

Only commercially available goniometer that extends to LWIR

Customizable Filter Wheel

Multispectral BSDF data over twelve different wavelengths during a single measurement run

Turnkey System

Includes installation and training by product engineers

Angle Flexibility

Any combination of source and detector angles can be specified

Low Noise Floor

Low noise detectors and electronics ensure superior performance


Complete automation for all four goniometric coordinates

SOC-210 BDR Applications

Photorealistic rendering
Reflector material characterization
Aerospace & black materials 
Illumination design 
Semiconductor quality control 
LCD Backlighting
Optical sensors
Roughness control

Fully Automated

The manual setting of individual measurement angles and parameters for full BRDF is a time-consuming, cost-prohibitive process. The 210-BDR’s PC-based control and data acquisition system controls data collection, processing, and archiving. Complete automation for all four goniometric coordinates (θ and φ, incident and reflected angles); switching between the calibration reference and the sample, and configuration of source aperture, neutral density (ND) filter wheel, and polarization stages.

Precise BSDF Measurements

The 210-BDR ensures accurate BSDF measurements by calibrating data with a diffuse reflectance reference. Each angle measurement is referenced to a well-characterized diffuse standard, automatically correcting beam non-uniformity by measuring the reference at the same incident angle as the sample. This approach delivers precise BSDF data across the entire hemisphere, enabling computation of directional hemispherical reflectance (total reflectance). Calibration is straightforward and can be performed directly by the instrument, with user-friendly procedures provided.

Spectral Range Extends to MWIR and LWIR

BSDF provides a method of describing reflectance as a function of incident (source) and reflected (observed) angles and wavelength. Consequently, a truly complete BRDF representation of the reflective behavior of a surface requires comprehensive angular coverage in both the visible and infrared wavelength range. The SOC-210 BDR is the only commercially available goniometer that extends to the Long Wave Infrared region. Pre-aligned source and detector modules can be interchanged without need for alignment to accommodate a wavelength range of 0.35 to 14μm. Specifically: Silicon (0.4-1.1 um), InGaAs (1.0-1.7 um), InSb (2.5-5.0 um), and MCT (7.0-14.0 um).. These detectors were selected for use in their bands of peak performance.

Live Data Display

The SOC-210’s intuitive control software provides everything you need for seamless sample selection, measurement setup, calibration, data acquisition, and storage. Simply choose your sample and measurement type, and set parameters like incident angle, wavelength, and hemispherical mapping—whether partial or full. Users can fully customize measurement angles in any order or combination, enabling complete flexibility in scan definition. As measurements are taken, BSDF data is displayed in real-time, along with essential parameters such as the number of points measured, current angles, and sample details, all in an easy-to-view plotting window.

Spectral Filtering

Our advanced SOC-210 receiver subsystem features a versatile range of individual interference spectral filters, providing seamless coverage across the entire operating spectral band. For broad-spectrum measurements, we offer several high-performance wide-band interference filters, as well as a diverse selection of thin film interference filters for specific applications. Designed with standard 1″ OD bandpass filters, the SOC-210 is compatible with a wide library of filters from various vendors, ensuring flexibility and easy customization. These filters are conveniently positioned in front of the detector, effectively minimizing background spectral noise outside the bandpass range for clearer, more precise measurements.

Expert Technical Support

For over 40 years, SOC has provided BRDF measurement services and has gained a wealth of experience in the measurement of paints, binders, pigments, thin film stacks, plastics, metals, composites, optical materials, thermal control coatings, and chemical coatings. SOC’s Optical Properties Measurements Lab operates the SOC-210 BDR daily and it is the 4th generation lab bidirectional reflectometer manufactured by SOC. Since releasing the original SOC-200 bidirectional reflectometer in 1999, SOC has a unique perspective, informed by experience, into the design of bidirectional reflectometers.

Other Info

Measurement Services

Full hemispherical bi-directional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) measurement

Bi-directional Transmittance Distribution Function (BTDF)

Optional polarization measurement capability

Spectral Range

.35 to 14 micrometer wavelength. Customized via interchangeable detector modules. Configuration options are:

Angular Coverage

Incident polar: Theta I θi = 0º to 85º

Incident azimuthal: Phi I φi = 0° to 360°

Reflected polar: Theta R θr = 0° to 85°

Reflected azimuthal: Phi R φr = 0° to 360°

Spectral Filtering

Standard commercial off-the-shelf thin film 1 inch diameter bandpass filters.


θi φi θr φr source aperture, neutral density (ND) filter wheel, and sample/reference X-stage. All listed variables are programmable and controllable from PC.

Sample Size

Normal sample size is one inch diameter circular. Ability to measure powders and liquids. Optional sample mount. A container for powders and liquids is provided.


Quartz halogen lamp, and/or silicon carbide glower. Optional laser sources. Laser diodes or small laser customization available upon request.


Silicon (0.4-1.1 um), InGaAs (1.0-1.7 um), InSb (2.5-5.0 um), and MCT (7.0-14.0 um).

Noise Floor

Less than 10-3 ster-1 or better (bandpass filter dependent). Low noise detectors and electronics assure superior performance.


53” wide, 53” depth, 75” height


120VAC 10 Amp power connection



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“Measuring and modeling of wetted surfaces” (2024) by David A. Vaitekunas, Moses Kodur, and Martin Szczesniak. Proc. SPIE 13045, Infrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing XXXV, 1304511 (Presented at SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing: April 25, 2024; Published: 10 June 2024);

“Measurement and analysis of optical surface properties for input to ShipIR” (2009) by David A. Vaitekunas, Jim Jafolla, Paul McKenna, and Martin Szczesniak. Proc. SPIE 7300, Infrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing XX, 73000M (22 April 2009);

“Bidirectional reflectance measurements for high-resolution signature modeling” (2004) by James C. Jafolla and William R. Reynolds. Proc. SPIE 5431, Targets and Backgrounds X: Characterization and Representation, (5 August 2004);

“Small Angle Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function” (1990) by Z. Gu and R. Dummer. Appl. Opt., 29, pp. 4176-4181, 1990.

“Theoretical and Practical Implication of the Bidirectional Reflectance of Spacecraft Surfaces” (1969) by J.T. Neu and R.S. Dummer. AIAA, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 484-491 (March 1969)